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Lotus Earth Temple

A Sanctuary for Conscious Evolution
The Temple

“Conscious evolution can also be seen as an awakening of a ‘memory’ that resides in the synthesis of human knowing, from spiritual to social to scientific. Indeed, all of our efforts to discover the inherent design of life itself can be seen as the process of one intelligence, striving to know itself through our many eyes, and to set the stage for a future of immense co-creativity.”


-Barbara Marx Hubbard



The Lotus Earth Temple is a sanctuary for your personal awakening through Conscious Evolution


Welcome to the Lotus Earth Temple, the place where  LOVE is the only flavor of the month. My favorite  group healing modality in the Spiritual playground these days is Active-Dreaming (aka Guided Meditation). I have found over the years that deep personal transformation can occur when you take a medi-holiday inside yourself,  to learn how to contact, anchor,and align with your deeper self . Offer yourself the active-dreaming self-love tour, with me, Tracy Grams, as your personal Temple Guide. You will be offered many Love-tonics for the Heart, body, and Soul. It feels soooooo good!

In the Temple,  group Crystalline Light Treatments will be offered to the beginner and advanced participant. In this treatment, you will be introduced to your Super-Self,who is your guide to your crystalline self. Learn to embody this intelligence through your heart, body, and energy field,so you can begin embodying your Super-Self on Earth in your day to day life.

Close your eyes and Actively Dream with me… Once upon a time in another time and place, we all giggled, and decided to ride a wave of Love to Earth to Co-Create with the Super-Selves of Humanity, and the Earth, by becoming our Super-Selves. What a concept!! By merging our Human Self, to our Higher Self and beyond to our Crystalline God-Self, we consciously chose to return and co-create from our Crystalline Origins. Doesn’t this sound like a Fairytale? Imagine the Earth sitting in a Lotus, and Lotus Teachers and Creators everywhere!! I am moving there right now. Big smile.


As we dreamed it, (wink-wink) we lived on a beautifully evolved crystalline-created planet, one that I call Lotus Earth. The Lotus Earth was our pristine playground for  remembering, designing, and creating through our embodied crystalline consciousness. Yippee! We as a Crystalline Community usually gathered in the Temple to bathe in our Crystalline-Vision and have the best parties ever….who knew? Was there a Prince and Princess? Yes! We were divinely balanced in our Sovereign Sacred Masculine and Feminine aspects and held the qualities of Crystalline Mastery.


The Lotus Earth Temple is a sanctuary for bathing your consciousness in the elixir of love. Merging your full consciousness into your body, and then anchoring to the Earth. As we are always evolving with the Earth, and are part of her cellular system, following her lead in development is aligned with Integrity. Through frequent treatments in the Temple, slow transitions of growth, and manifestations begin to flourish in your life, and align you to your Super-Self. Yum! Please remember, a period of time and dedication to acclimatizing your energy field is required to facilitate grounded changes in your body and life.


Through grounding, and embodying your Divine memories and inspiration for Self, Family, and Humanity, you are moving beyond the parameters of your Human experience and exploring your untapped Spiritual potential and Super-Self creations. Who can resist that! As fear and anxiety continually propel us inward to seek our own truth and authority, we all need an inner dreamspace to regroup and come back to the present moment in Peace.


You may be a complete beginner, or an advanced Teacher who needs a wee bit of Spiritual refreshment to spread to your clients and Family. The Lotus Earth Temple Environment is vital for your consistent spiritual nutrition. Kombucha for the Soul anyone? Temple Light treatments, are designed to offer a Sacred experience for Super-Self re-connection.

These Light treatments awaken you to the brilliance of Crystalline Intelligence, by inviting you to bring this light into your body and cells, as pure nutrition, and invites you to naturally release any and all lower vibrational emotions like anger, fear, confusion, and disconnection. The end result may produce a feeling of Brilliance, Unity, and Love. Sacred Dreaming and co-creating from this awareness is a gift from your Super-Self.


My visionary enthusiasm in guiding this form of development, is to entrain the body to merge with the Divine crystalline body and become what I call the Super-Self. To create a Crystalline community of Super-Selves, who choose Sovereign Co-creation and Service to Humanity.

In these times of the great shift, our bodies are learning to maintain, transmute, and integrate the ferocity of frequencies on the planet. With the Temple Light treatments, you become your Super- Self, who is capable of designing and living a fluid life. These journeys are a divine transmission of your crystalline origins, and are merely a reminder of your existence in that time and frequency. I am envisioning the co-creation of a crystalline community that builds a light-force of change in this city, and the world.

Temple Guardian

The Guardian: Tracy Grams

It’s been a long and winding road, getting here to the Lotus Earth Temple. Since the Harmonic Convergence in 1987, when I was a wee grasshopper, my life was intimately intertwined by my fascination and self-study of many different kinds of healing modalities. Homeopathy, Cranial Sacral Therapy, Chinese Medicine, Flower Essence therapy, Aromatherapy, Nutrition, Radionics, Psychology of Vision, just to name a few. My life was full of treasures to explore while I was raising my two sons. Fully supported by my husband and sons, we became a family of Alternative Healing.


My entire adult life has been guided to visualizing and spreading beauty. I have been mesmerized by the sparkle of Light. I am certain that I may have had a life as a magpie as well. I remember in my 20’s seeing a huge dragonfly wing out in nature and thinking I wanted to live my life looking through it like a looking glass. Here I am, nearly three decades later sharing more sparkle… Crystalline Light Sparkle! What fun. I took a long intermission over the last several years, but have been enticed out of my woman-cave to share the treasure I have found. I have always thought of myself as an Archeologist of Untapped Potential, diggin’ in the unconscious realms for inspiration and healing. Ask my friends, family, and especially my husband... I have a very deep spotlight for healing. Haha.


In early 2003, with big support from my husband, friends and family, we opened a healing facility called the Radiance Center. It was a gateway for transformation and transition. I hosted many Healers and Workshops, made a lot of friends, and was on a steep learning curve to understand and include working with the Shadow element. Accountability for creating all my reality. That proved to be a tricky understanding for me and those willing to learn and participate in that teaching. LOL.


At the end of that era, I started to study and apply frequency, and the profound impact of vibrational changes on the body and mind. I realized that certain personalities existed in the psychological makeup that had different frequency rates, and this understanding was revolutionary for me. I began teaching the effects of low frequency personalities on the body and mind. I used light trance states to explore and transform feelings and attachments of lower frequency Archetypes. Learning to facilitate energetic change, with the help of Love, and deep insight, I realized that this process was a profound tool to release and then begin the transition to unconditional loving support for self and others.


On Dec 12th, 2012, I was decorating the Christmas tree and I had a profound realization that I had spent my whole life serving the original Mission of Harmonic Convergence, which was a Global Awakening to Unity and Love. Looks like a couple of other people are onto this now too. Who knew?!


Once again I responded to the call, and envisioned a Temple for gathering those that are awakening to Uniting and Aligning to their higher power, which I call the Super-Self.

I opened and began the Lotus Earth Temple in my living room with my family and friends, and created the blueprint for the Temple as it is today. As of 2017, the Temple is visited daily by me, and weekly and monthly by friends, family, and clients. The Temple has envisioned more participants to share in the building of a Crystalline Community. Which means more people are invited to participate. Looking forward to sharing the Temple with many more Co-Creators!


Let's party!

Temple Teachings


Active Dreaming Light Treatments introduce participants to merge and begin learning how to explore and align to your Super-Self. Experience your Super-Self, by slowly activating and aligning to Crystalline- Light awareness in the Body and energy-field. Begin to acclimatize your energy field to higher states of consciousness and Intuition. Feel the love!


iLOVE 2 

Active Dreaming Light Treatments for the advanced participant who has spent time cultivating a higher light quotient and understands the nudge to Consciously Evolve by receiving and integrating your Super-Self as an active participant in your life. Through an active-dreaming encounter that integrates frequencies and deeper teachings. Accept The Invitation to evolve towards becoming a Sovereign Steward for Earth’s transition into Crystalline Embodied Intelligence. Embody Divine love!


Private Light Treatments

Our shared time together on Skype is facilitated by you and I sharing your current moment status. Much like a divination reading, our time is spent together reviewing the Vision and direction you want to create in your life. Observing and acknowledging  whatever level of empowerment you are, or are not experiencing. This develops insight into your own cosmology, and gives you the power to facilitate your own change. The deeper your commitment to your own process, and the willingness to create change, the greater opportunity you have to empower yourself and your life. Learn to understand how to manifest in all areas of your life through aligning to your Personal Integrity. By becoming aware of your conscious and unconscious states, you can begin to design and personalize your Evolution by making conscious choices to create lasting change and deeper Love.


Each personal session is uniquely designed. Talk Therapy, Light Trance, and Vibrational therapy may be used to infuse you with Light, and guide you to facilitate deeper awareness, communication, and integration of lower vibrational aspects. These treatment are designed to encourage you to embody your own Mastery.

Temple Teachings
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Skype: Tracy Grams, Calgary Alberta, Canada

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